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European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 14(13), 228. The Influence of Brand Image, Brand Trust, Product Quality, and Price on the Consumer’s Buying Decision of MPV Cars. Selamat Datang di Website Resmi Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kolaka Utara Ikuti 'Survei Kepuasan Pengguna Website' dengan klik tautan ini untuk akses data yang lebih mudah Hasil Sensus Penduduk (SP2020) pada September 2020 mencatat jumlah Penduduk Kabupaten Kolaka Utara sebesar 137.659 jiwa Saat ini. Management Science Letters, 9(4), 505–518.

The Effect of Brand Ambassador , Brand Image , and Brand Awareness on Purchase Decision of Pantene Shampoo in Surabaya , Indonesia. S., Edyanto, N., & Siagian, H. Effect of Product Quality, Brand Image And Life Style Against Buying Decision. Penggunaan Ponsel dan Pengguna Internet.Darojat, T. Results of Population Census 2020. CO - Simak cara dan Link Sensus Penduduk 2020 Online dengan login di (2020).

The Influence of Product Quality, Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions Through Brand Trust as Mediating Variable. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 4(3), 464–470.Hapsoro, B. The Effect of Endorser Credibility and Product Quality Mediated by Brand Image on Purchase Intention.

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The Influence of Celebrity Endorser , Brand Image , and Brand Trust on Consumer Purchasing Decisions to Nike Brand Sports Shoes in Surabaya. Internet Indonesia hingga Kuartal II 2020 Capai 196%2C7 Juta Orang, - 09&text=JAKARTA%2C - JPutra, P. Indonesian Internet Users until the second quarter of 2020 reached 196.7 million people. The Influence of Celebrity Endorser , Product Quality and Price on Purchase Decisions and Customer Satisfaction on Vivo Brand Smartphones in Surabaya. Smartphone market posts a new record low in shipments ipacted by covid-19.Kumar Lk, A.

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Celebrity Brand Ambassador and e-WOM as Determinants of Purchase Intention: A Survey of Indonesian Celebrity Cake. P., Setyowati, N., & Mandasari, P. Pakistan Administrative Review, 1(1), 84–102.Utami, S.

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